
Year: 2016
GIIF will deliver a training event entitled "Operationalizing Agriculture Index Insurance" at Cinnamon Grand Hotel in Colombo, Sri Lanka. The training workshop, co-hosted by the International Labour Organization, will introduce to the participants issues related to index insurance ranging from types and advantages of index insurance to distribution and marketing models. The workshop precedes this year's ILO's Impact Insurance Forum which will focus on the use of various digital tools and technology that can be used to improve insurance solutions for emerging markets. For more information about
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Year: 2016
The Impact Insurance Facility and UN Environment’s Principles for Sustainable Insurance (PSI) Initiative are carrying out a webinar series on how to make inclusive insurance work , as part of their strategic collaboration to drive insurance industry practices and solutions that promote sustainable development. The topic of inclusive insurance is part of the PSI’s scope of environmental, social and governance issues (for example, climate change, natural disasters, ecosystem degradation, human rights violations, health risks, financial exclusion, corruption, lack of transparency) in the context
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Year: 2016
Global Index Insurance Facility will deliver two training sessions on agriculture insurance to participants from South Africa and neighboring countries. The trainings will cover a wide variety of topics, ranging from operationalizing agricultural insurance to risk transfer process. The target audiences for these trainings are senior official and technical staff from insurance and reinsurance companies, brokers as well regulators. Click here to view the agenda.
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Year: 2016
JUNE 8 -10, College of Insurance, Nairobi A World Bank mission will deliver a training event entitled "Operationalizing Index Insurance in Kenya" on crop and livestock insurance to participants at the College of Insurance in Nairobi. The training workshop, co-hosted by the World Bank, Association of Kenyan Insurers, and Africa Insurance Organization will bring together the Kenyan government, the private sector, and members of the East African Insurance Market to discuss issues on products, innovations, and outreach strategies in the field of index insurance. To read the story from this event
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Year: 2015
Thursday, July 9, 2015 12:30 – 01:30 PM, F-5P 100 What happens when a major national development organization – GIZ and a leading private insurer – Allianz SE get together to build innovation in micro-insurance? Experts will present key insights on micro-insurance with a larger view on how these lessons learnt can be applied to other inclusive insurance projects and to various other sectors. The 60 minute session will showcase case-studies ranging from how GIZ has assisted Allianz in turning a corporate responsibility charitable micro-insurance story into a fully-fledged and profitable micro
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